Our quilt is growing by leaps and bounds. There are thirty completed flowers now :: just twenty-two shy of our goal.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the hall of a little church nearby. It's a small group of twenty-six ladies, each one adding something special to the mix.
It's such a treat to see the progress we're making. One month a baggie full of supplies is handed over and the following month a unique and beautiful flower arrives. Some members have a sparkle in their eye and are anxious to pick up their next kit. Others admit that "hand sewing's really not my thing" and we happily accept their one and only contribution.
Pretty soon we'll surround each flower with green, making the garden path and joining the pieces together. This quilt will be raffled in the community and the proceeds added to our treasury for future charitable efforts and maybe some workshops too. I consider myself lucky to be the keeper of these works of art as our Grandmother's Flower Garden grows. My design wall's prettier than ever and I find myself making a few extra visits to the sewing room each day, just to appreciate the view.
Karen · 704 weeks ago
Lynn · 704 weeks ago
Emily · 704 weeks ago
My recent post the beach