Another honey cowl. Oh how I love the honey cowl. This is number three for me :: knit in Madeline Tosh DK once again. I'm not new to knitting but I'm a novice knitter. This pattern is safe. It only involves three different stitches and I've learned to spot mistakes and fix them. Well, most of the time.
The yarn on my needles is Baltic. The other is called Dahlia. When loading the photos I noticed just how beautifully these two yarns coordinate with the Liberty of London fabric I picked up in New York a couple of weekends ago. Hmmmmm.
I've always loved tiny little dresses with a knitted (or crocheted) bodice and cotton skirt. Something like this Jane Austen dress. I can totally imagine the Dahlia yarn with the print above (the one with the purple, dahlia and green flowers). Can you? Or the Baltic yarn with that gorgeous blue print on the end. That would be pretty too.
Or how about Alicia's little Heartwarmer shrug and dress combination? Have you seen the collection of baby clothing she made and tucked away for a special someone? Just lovely.
There aren't any little girls in my near future but I do have a cedar chest and it's really fun to dream.
Clyde T. · 379 weeks ago