I'm sipping on a warm, refreshing homemade "latte". I've named it Kate's Latte because it's something my friend drinks when we meet at our local coffee shop. Instead of the sugar-laden specialty coffees, she enjoys this beverage and considers it a special treat. It's a simple little drink :: just a bag of herbal mint tea, a quick splash of cream, and a tad of sweetner (I used agave nectar in mine this morning). I've never tried this particular combination before and I must say it's quite delicious and calming. Beside my nice warm drink is a special napkin made by my mom. So, this morning, I feel as though two of my favorite ladies are sitting right here with me. I'm looking forward to a weekend filled with a little bit of gardening, some cooking, a lot of housekeeping catch up and, of course, some fun time sprinkled in the mix.
Wishing you a happy day!