**A side note to this morning's post** Here's an excerpt from an email I received from a friend (in reference to the fact that I didn't post yesterday). "Just wondering if the sweet potato vine has invaded your computer as well?? Thought it was possible that you were not able to get to your computer and BLOG!!!" It's tough work being a blogger :: so much pressure :)
:: Feeding ::
:: Deadheading ::
:: Harvesting ::

:: Admiring the magic of seeds ::
:: Carefully recording a moment in time ::

Hubby and I love to work in the garden in the very early morning while it's still cool outside. This morning was exceptionally beautiful, with the temperature in the sixties. Many of the plants have had their day and are ready to be cut back. The crepe myrtle, however, is popping into full bloom. It's a special weekend for us, as our college graduate received a job offer yesterday after many months of diligent searching. A celebration is definitely in order.