Do you see that gorgeous yellow daisy? I spotted it while thrifting with a friend. I passed it by because the price tag was a little higher than I wanted to pay. We stopped for lunch and I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw that little pin sitting next to my plate of hummus and veggies. Aren't girlfriends the best?
And speaking of girlfriends, I am lucky enough to have shared the last thirty years of my life with a very special friend from high school. We've been through dating, weddings and children together and our friendship is stronger than ever. The last time we got together, she surprised me with this fabulous necklace that she made. Isn't it stunning??
This little shadow box is one of my most treasured gifts. It was handmade by my aunt and given to me about thirty-five years ago. I wish I'd written the date on the back so I'd know for sure how old I was when she made it for me. Maybe she'll remember. It was difficult to get an accurate close-up. The top photo is more representative of the color. Can you see how it's three-dimensional? Those tiny pieces were cut out applied to the background. I remember sitting on our sofa in the living room admiring how beautiful is was. It has travelled with me from home to home and has a few accidental dings, but to me it's still perfect.
And last but certainly not least, this special little pull toy was given to me by my dad over twenty years ago. How many dads pay attention to what their grown daughters are collecting? Mine did and he still pays attention to my interests today.
There's no question that I hit the jackpot when it comes to the family and friends in my life. You are all special and cherished.