Dusting was on my list. In fact, dusting is always on my list. Lists work well for me. I write down what needs to be done and find great satisfaction in crossing things off as they're completed. For some reason though, I don't do the dusting. I just add it to my new list :: over and over again.

This is my new stool. Well, I've really had it for a year or two. I found it at a flea market shop and thought it was overflowing with character. This weekend I decided to recover it. It's one of the reasons I never got to the dusting.

I had this red polka dot oil cloth left over from a tablecloth project. You can never have too many things with polka dots, so I decided to cover my
new old stool with it.

It was better, but the olive green paint on the base of the seat wasn't doing it for me. A quick search through the basement revealed an off white can of spray paint so I got out the drop cloth and the painters tape and sprayed away.

Ahh...nice and clean looking and so much better, don't you think?

This is just one of the fun little projects I did this weekend. See why I never get to the dusting?