(Zagreb Coreopsis)
We've been mulching most of the weekend. The weather was perfect :: overcast, slightly breezy, and not too hot, with a sprinkling of raindrops mixed in here and there.
(Blanket Flower, Tickseed Coreopsis, and Shasta Daisy)
Mulching is not one of my favorite gardening tasks, but there's something so satisfying about a freshly mulched garden bed. In time, we hope to divide and spread our perennials and ground cover so we can reduce the amount of mulching that needs to be done.

It's almost time to stop for the day. Hubby's working diligently while I take a break to show you some photos of flowers beds.
(Rozanne Geranium, Pia Hydrangea and Lavender)
Ahhh, that chair looks very inviting right about now.
**Giveaway drawing on Saturday the 12th :: leave a comment there to enter**