I'm still working with and loving this Tanya Whelar fabric, Grand Revival. Yesterday I finished a pillow cover for my bedroom. It's simply a 20"x20" square of fabric that I machine quilted in a grid pattern and backed with natural linen.

I'd never done a grid pattern before, but it was super easy. I just used a piece of tape as my guide and used my walking foot to ensure that all of the layers fed through evenly. The layers for the front piece were (1) the top decorative fabric, (2) cotton batting, and (3) a piece of thrifted white cotton sheet. The backing is two pieces of linen that overlap so that the pillow form can be inserted.

Here's the finished pillow cover in it's new home. It was orginally intended to go on the bed, but I really like it here on the window seat and I think I'll make another variation with a little linen and a little patchwork for the bed. If you are new to pillow making and would like to follow a great tutorial,
this one is very well done. In fact, I think I'll go add it to my sidebar under Tutorials I've Found and Love.