May 29, 2009

More Thrift Excitement

There are several thrift shops in my local area. These shops are great if you're looking for clothing or functional furniture to use in a college dorm or apartment, but they leave much to be desired in the way of vintage items or linens. What a difference though, if I hop in the car and travel just about twenty minutes west. It's not uncommon to find at least one vintage sheet or pillowcase with each visit, and sometimes I even find two! I don't use these linens on the beds, but tuck them away to use later in quilts that I'm dreaming about. I've made one quilt so far, using a favorite vintage pillowcase, and I plan to make many, many more. I stumbled across this blog a while back and just love her use of vintage linens. And, she shared the most amazing quilt-making tutorial. Inspiration at it's best! And look what else I found. How cute is this?
It fits right into my kitchen and looks like it's been there forever. I'm in love.

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