January 18, 2013

Crackers and Sunshine

Oh happy day!  The sun's shining.  Hello kitty fur all over the hardwood floor....how long have you been there?

Just like last year, this mild winter's been kind to our two rosemary plants.  I'm wondering if they'll survive until spring.  How wonderful that would be.  I slipped outside to get a few clippings.  It's pretty chilly and the wind's whipping around but it felt so good to be standing in the sunshine.  The kitties liked it too, for a short time on the deck.

These crackers were the highlight of my day.  They're made with almond flour and are bursting with the flavor of fresh rosemary.  I haven't eaten bread or crackers for a very long time so it's going to take a little willpower to pace myself with this plateful of gorgeousness.  Mindful eating, Laura.  Mindful eating.

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