August 25, 2011

Birthdays and Herbs

Twenty-five August 25th's have passed since I was given the greatest gift on earth.

And if that wasn't special enough, this little guy was born on his grandfather's birthday. They're like two peas in a pod.

As a side note, I've been making our version of this lately and it's been a hit at our house. Just snip a few stems of your favorite mint (we have basil mint and spearmint).  Gently roll them in your hands to release some of the oil and stuff the stems into a pitcher (or two) of water.  Let steep for a few hours or overnight, remove mint and refrigerate.  It's a super-refreshing way to hydrate and so nice to mask that not-so-pleasant aftertaste when taking supplements. 

Today I'm grateful for mint and jalapeƱo peppers (the two things that have flourished in our garden this season) and my two birthday boys.

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