June 28, 2011

Showering the Bride

This bride's been lovingly showered by friends, family and co-workers.  She's now ready to begin married life equipped with every little household thing she'll possibly ever need.

On Sunday, my dear friend hosted a bridal shower for our soon-to-be (in 46 days to be exact) daughter-in-law.  Aren't girlfriends the best?  She filled her home with flowers, food, guests and generous hospitality.  It was a super fun-filled girls' day.

Photo courtesy of Dana

The Menu
Crab Dip with Pita Chips (ordered out)
Beef Brisket
Fruit and Veggie Trays
Spring Mix Salad w/Balsamic Vinaigrette 
Assorted Cookies (Trader Joe's)

Very best wishes to a truly special girl!

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